Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Best Fails

Dismissed from Drama School with a note saying "you're wasting your time you're to shy to put your best foot forward: - Lucille Ball actress

Turned down by the Decka recording company who said "We don't like their sound and guitar music is on the way out" - The Beetles

A Teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything and should go into a field where he might sucseed by virtue of his pleasant personality - Thomas Edison scientist

Fired From a Newspaper because he lacked imagination and had no original ideas - Walt Disney founder of Walt Disney pictures

His Fiancee Died, he failed in buisness twice, he had a nervous breakdown and he was defeated in eight elections - Abraham Lincoln former president of the United States

Told he would Never be a sucsess by his teacher - Michael Phelps olympic gold medalist

Turned down to play the lead roll in the movie Kung Fu because he was too Chinese - Bruce lee

Told all his life that his dream to play football for Notre Dame was a waste of time - Rudy Rudeger

Diagnosed with cancer - Lance Armstrong winner of the 1999 Tour de France

Told He would fall apart and wasn't tough enough for the NHL - Maurice Richard NHL hall of famer

Dropped out of School - Ablert Einstein

Blind and Deaf - Helen Keller

The greatest faliuers are the greatest Lessons. Learn from them....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Awake 2009

Now I actually have something to talk about! :D. So for the Entire weekend I helped my youth pastor at the summer bible camp called Awake. I was the guy who worked the computer stuff's like the words for the worship songs and the slides for the Sermon's. The first day was me hanging out with my friends Nate, Jordan and Josh. They're so wacky :P and then I had to load a bunch of stuff onto the computer like new songs and the sermon. Only some of the songs were not on the Library of songs that were in the computer so I had to type them up. Witch was confusing so I called my friend Erin over to help me and we had to yell because the worship band was practicing with the volume up really loud. So this was what our conversation was like
Stacey: ERIN!!!!!!
Erin: WHAT!!!!!!????
Stacey: HOW DO I TYPE A NEW SONG!!!!!!!!!!?????????
Stacey: THANKS!!!!!!!!!
Erin: YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
The worship band was awesome they mostly played Hillsong covers but they sounded almost better :). Then after worship was the sermon and a speaker named Brody came and talked about having Joy in you're life. So when the sermon was done we had a huge water fight with thirteen hundred water balloon's. I got pelted so hard with one that it left a huge massive welt on my chest, the water fight was supposed to last an hour but it was only 5 minutes and that was it for the first day of awake. So the girls slept at the church and the guy's slept at Westgate church on the other side of town. Witch wasn't too bad they had a skate board park, too bad I don't skate board..........but one of the guy's had a strobe light so we all had a strobe light pillow fight XDDD my friend Jordan that I mentioned earlier jumped at me about to hit me with a pillow but since the strobe light was going I saw him in freeze still pictures coming towards me so I was like "AH!!!!" and jumped out of the way before he could hit me lol then we all went to bed. The next day we had french toast for breakfast mmmmmmm, then we had a service with Brody as the speaker again and he talked about suffering and after the service we went to the water park called H2O. They have a surf simulator, a wave pool, water slides and a pool that pushed you around in a really big circle so my friends Jordan and Josh grabbed my arms and said "Stacey you have to pull us upstream all the way around" and I did it, it took me so long. So after H2O we went back had lunch and just hung out, then had dinner and that was it for the 2nd day. So me and the guy's went back to westgate and the guy's who wern't downstairs skateboarding. We all were in a circle listening to Jordan read the bible, we read form Song of Solomon. We found the weirdest pick up lines. There weirdest one's were, you're hair is like a flock of goats, you're neck is like an massive Ivory Tower and your legs are slender like palm trees. Then we had yet another strobe light pillow fight lol but instead of sleeping we hit tim hortons @ 2:00 AM and Josh was declared supreme pillow lord because he ate over 100 timbits (without barfing). We headed back and chilled untill it was time to have breakfast at Emmanuel. After worship we played some sports, yays hockey. IT WAS A HOCKEY GAME FOR THE AGES! Scoring was okay but it's all about shoving people for me >8) after was rock climbing... not much shoving but still lots of fun. Then the last service which was about the anointing of miracles upon our lives. After that was over we had a BBQ before we left...

I like kitties

that is all


Friday, July 10, 2009

Well this is my first post for my blog "A day in the life of Stacey Takenaka" I don't really have much to say cause its in the mourning and I haven't really done anything except eat breakfast. So I'm make another post at the end of the day so I actually have stuff to talk about. Sorry about breaking you're Holy crap this blog post is lame-o-meter.In the future I will try not to make a boring post like this again