Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Best Fails

Dismissed from Drama School with a note saying "you're wasting your time you're to shy to put your best foot forward: - Lucille Ball actress

Turned down by the Decka recording company who said "We don't like their sound and guitar music is on the way out" - The Beetles

A Teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything and should go into a field where he might sucseed by virtue of his pleasant personality - Thomas Edison scientist

Fired From a Newspaper because he lacked imagination and had no original ideas - Walt Disney founder of Walt Disney pictures

His Fiancee Died, he failed in buisness twice, he had a nervous breakdown and he was defeated in eight elections - Abraham Lincoln former president of the United States

Told he would Never be a sucsess by his teacher - Michael Phelps olympic gold medalist

Turned down to play the lead roll in the movie Kung Fu because he was too Chinese - Bruce lee

Told all his life that his dream to play football for Notre Dame was a waste of time - Rudy Rudeger

Diagnosed with cancer - Lance Armstrong winner of the 1999 Tour de France

Told He would fall apart and wasn't tough enough for the NHL - Maurice Richard NHL hall of famer

Dropped out of School - Ablert Einstein

Blind and Deaf - Helen Keller

The greatest faliuers are the greatest Lessons. Learn from them....

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