Friday, July 10, 2009

Well this is my first post for my blog "A day in the life of Stacey Takenaka" I don't really have much to say cause its in the mourning and I haven't really done anything except eat breakfast. So I'm make another post at the end of the day so I actually have stuff to talk about. Sorry about breaking you're Holy crap this blog post is lame-o-meter.In the future I will try not to make a boring post like this again


  1. "Holy crap this blog post broke my lame-o-meter"
    xDDD It didn't brake mine 8D

    :D Hi Stacey...:3


  2. Hi Paiva! thanks :D, yours must be indestructible 0_0 lol

  3. ROFL
    xDD Of course, mine's just pretty awesome.

    And you're welcome. ;D

