Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back to School (sighes)

Okay 3 things. #1 I know its a little late for this post but I kept forgetting to do this, #2 that's the Lysdexia in me 8D (Lysdexia is Dyslexia but all mixed up get it? 8D) #3 and yes I know its 4:25 and Paiva's probly thinking "lol sounds fimiliar XD" but anyways the atrosity known as School started for me. I don't actually mind the homework or lessons I think its just that I like my home alot more . That way I can bug Paiva!!!! >8D, but I can't even work out there cause the weight rooms so crappy :(. Plus when I'm in there I get alot of "O_O..............." but at Least I get to hang out with my friend Dan ^^ he keeps saying to me whenever I do something really silly that we need to record all the funny stuff I do XDD, and you know what school isn that actually bad at all you get to do a wide variety of school sports and elictives and learning all the stuff from your teachers will apply to crap loads of stuff in your adult life. Making it so much easier and when something gets tough just remember "you get stronger by persiverance, just keep going and going and going and going until your onyou knees in pain and then.....get back up and do it all again" :) well I think I'm going to go eat?.....yeah I'll go that XD cya later!


  1. 8O You adressed me in a blog post?
    ;D Yay xD
    oh sounds familiar xD. ;)

    Well, good luck with your new school year! xD I'm sure you're going to do great. Say hi to Dan for me. x)


  2. xDD nice. oh yeah your blog looks exactly like mine used to and i totally forgot about it until i saw yours
