Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Does it shock you when I tell you .....

There are more slaves in the hisory of the entire world right now than there ever have been before?

There entire world has abloished slavery and there are 27 million people in slavery right now

Women all over the world have been forced to become sex slaves

Thery're offered jobs from random people, they are told they will be fed and taken care of while being a nanny or a maid, but there managers com and pick them up and they are never seen again......

Does it shock you?......

When they aren't being forced to do drugs, they're being brutaly beaten....or raped

Human Trafficing (Sex Slavery) is the largest underground crime in the world

In third world countries if they escape and they try to tell the athorities, they blame it all on them and then rape them and then kill them.....

Does it shock you?.....

that even though the entire world has abolished slavery....and it still goes on now more than ever ?

1 comment:

  1. >8O oh my gosh! i didnt know that.thats so dumb! >8( oh yeah and i'm Selina in case you were wondering.
